
The Annual Public Meeting of YWCA of Bombay and Mela was jointly held on 15th February at Lady Willingdon Hostel, Fort with 350 participants. Faye D’Souza, Award-winning Journalist, Entrepreneur, Founder and Editor, Beatroot News spoke on the theme ‘Empowering Women, Inspiring Change’


On 1 February, YWCA of Bombay organized a Walkathon at Fort on the occasion of the 150th Year Celebrations. 200 people from diverse backgrounds participated in this memorable event.


On 28th October workshop was organized for WDU staff on Nutrition with a cooking demonstration.


Nutrition Competition was held at Belapur, Byculla, Fort, Geeta nagar and Chembur for Balwadi and Chreche parents on 23rd, 24th and 25th October 2024


 On 28th October workshop was organised for WDU staff on POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act) 2012. Resource person Adv. Reshma Jagtap from DLSA conducted the session



Vacation Bible School was a vibrant and joyful gathering, uniting children across different locations – Fort, Byculla, Belapur and Andheri to learn, grow, and have fun. The three-day programme from 4th to 6th November aimed to foster faith, knowledge, and fellowship in a fun and interactive environment for 196 children.



The YWCA of Bombay and Majlis collaborated to observe the ‘Week Without Violence’ from 21st to 26th, October 2024. This initiative aimed to raise awareness and educate the community about issues related to violence and the safety of women and children. The sessions were held across various YWCA locations and included both in-person and online events, covering a range of vital topics for 391 participants.



Mandala Painting Event: A Saturday of Connection and Creativity

On Saturday 26th October this event was organised for 30 women gathered for a vibrant afternoon of creativity, connection, and Mandela painting.



On Saturday, 19th October, YWCA of Bombay actively participated in the global Walk for Freedom event held at Nariman Point, Mumbai organized by The Movement



The 149th Annual General Meeting of the YWCA of Bombay was held on 21st September 2024 at Byculla.   The newly elected President, Pavana Anchees, members of the Board of Management and the Nominating Committee members for the year 2024-2025 took the oath-of-office in a short and solemn ceremony, by raising their hands to serve the YWCA faithfully.


Teacher’s Day celebration programme was held on 13th September at Byculla with dance, skit and games.



Asha Kiran Silver Jubilee was a three-day celebration. Starting with rehearsal of Silver Jubilee which was celebrated on 2nd April. Interesting and enjoyable Jubilee Mela was held on 5th April with 22 stalls. Final celebration was on 6th April. The event was a grand success in terms of programmes, performances, relevance and substance. Also playing of the tambola was enjoyed by all.


World YWCA Day was celebrated on 24th April 2024. Members participated in the re-dedication ceremony.


Bakery Exhibition cum Sale was held on 24th April at Byculla


Youth Exposure Visit for 100 youth from Fort, Byculla, Chembur, Belapur and Geetanagar community was organised on 24th April at National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities at Kharghar.


Residential Summer Camp was organised for adolescent children of Fort, Belapur, Byculla, Geetanagar and Chembur community on 19th and 20th April at Byculla.


Residential Summer Camp was organised for adolescent children of Fort, Belapur, Byculla, Geetanagar and Chembur community on 19th and 20th April at Byculla.


A session on Safe and Unsafe Touch was conducted for adolescent children on 20th March 2024 at Belapur.


Women’s Day was celebrated with all networking NGOs organised by Majlis on 20th April. Theme ‘Breaking Barriers.. Building Bridges..’ Schemes and services of different NGOs were explained.


YWCA community women and staff participated in Human Chain Rally organised by Networking Groups on 9th March 2024.


The 149th Annual Public Meeting of YWCA of Bombay and ‘Empower Her’ Mela was jointly held for the first time on 16th March at Lady Willingdon Hostel, Fort with 147 participants. Guest Speaker Dr. Phadke professor at TISS spoke on the theme ‘Every Safe Space has a Story’.


Sacred Music was organised on 23rd March for members at LWH, Fort. Guest Speaker was Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Ivanios, Bishop of Bombay Diocese-Mar Thoma, Syrian Church


Women’s Circle – creating a safe space for women, was conducted on 8th March for 45 students of Salvation Army at Byculla.


Overnight Retreat was organised for members in February

Ekta cum Picnic was organised for members in February

Decimal Foundation members visited Balwadi children at Fort on 25th January 2024

Cricket & Kabaddi tournament was organized for community youth and VTC students.

Self-grooming Course was conducted in the month of January at Byculla.

Exposure Visit cum Training to City Institute of Disaster Management, MCGM was organized for 33 Chembur community women.

Co-C.P. Pavana Anchees organised training programme for 20 WDU Staff. Head Trainer Mentor Vidya Ramaswamy, Parisar Asha Organisation conducted the same.

Refresher Training was conducted with 15 staff (Social workers and Balwadi teachers) by Assistant Co-ordinator Archana Lade

A Bakery session was conducted by Secretary, Bakery and Nutrition Nachita Desai at Geetanagar and Fort Community. Date and walnut cake, Paneer puff, Straw and Chocolate doughnut were prepared.

A one-day Jewellery-making workshop was conducted for 67 participants by Balwadi Teachers and Social workers at Byculla, Geetanagar and Fort.

Street Play competition was held  at Byculla for youth from Byculla, Fort, Chembur and Belapur.

Medical Camp was organised for balwadi children and their parent’s at Belapur and Fort

Christmas Celebrations

YWCA and YMCA Week of Prayer

Retreat was organised by Spiritual Emphasis Committee at Andheri YWCA

Nutrition Competition was held for parents of balwadi children at Belapur, Byculla, Chembur and Fort.

A session on Acupressure was conducted by Shraddha Dhepe at Chembur Community

Various activities were conducted with balwadi children.

In September on occasion of Ozone Day Drawing Competition was organised for Study centre students and adolescent group.

Awareness Session on Ayushman Bharat Scheme was conducted for beneficiaries at LWH, Fort

Annual General Meeting held on 16th September 2023 at Byculla.

Awareness session

‘Procedures regarding Civil Service Entrance Exams and Advantages of Government Jobs’

Held on 17th August

Awareness session

‘E-waste Management and Responsible Recycling!’

Held on 10th August

A Spiritual Emphasis Retreat

Held on 21st July

Awareness session

‘Cyber Crime’

Held on 20th July

Awareness session

‘Leadership Skills and Goal setting’

Held on 7th July

An inter area Bible Quiz Competition on the book of Genesis

Held on 10th June